FYI, the material in this post occurred in the past. I waited to post it to make sure my website would be up when you read it.
Today was my first day of practice with the South Bay Team in Training marathon team. It was the third practice for everyone else. I showed up to run in a bright pink tank top (my most comfortable one). Everyone else was wearing their white Team in Training shirts. I'm pretty sure I stuck out luck a sore thumb in my fluorescent top. The team manager made me change into one of the white team shirts...short sleeves. Darn it! Apparently they have to be able to identify us all or something while we're out running. As if my hot pink wasn't identifiable! Oh well, such is life.
Practice started off with a lot of chit chat. OK, announcements actually, and they were quite important. Our coach, Gail, is awesome. Just awesome. I'd actually met her before, three years ago when I was becoming a mentor for triathlon team and she was then a mentor for the marathon team. She has a great personality, is super chatty, and kind of entertaining to listen to (she has four kids and her PTA and mini-van stories are hysterical).
My favorite part of the "pre-practice chat" was Mission Moment. During Mission Moment, participants stand up and talk about why they are busting their butts early on a Saturday morning to run around while fundraising for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. The Mission Captain spoke today. Her story started much like mine - she originally got started with TNT just for the heck of it, to get some training and participate in an endurance event (in her case, the Boston Marathon) while raising money for a good cause. A few years later, her husband was diagnosed with colon cancer. Although LLS does not directly support colon cancer, she felt comforted from her experiences with TNT and LLS, with the knowledge that there are people out there really trying to make a difference. She cried as she told us her husband did not survive. She continues, in his honor, to help support cancer research.
I will say, it gives me a funny feeling in my tummy to hear how much of the mission moment talk deals with honoring those that have not survived their battles with cancer. I know I'm doing this to honor and support those that have survived and will survive. Since I can't be right there with my family through all of their battles, I'm doing this for them so they know they will always be in my thoughts. I can't wait for my opportunity to share my Mission Moment. I'll tell them about my sweet nephew who is just learning to talk. I'll cry. Maybe they will too. But there's nothing like starting off a long run with some serious reflection on life and appreciation for what we have.
Today we ran 3 miles in the beautiful hills of Palos Verdes. I trained here for my triathlons and the marathon I did on my own. Being back there, running in the hills, makes me really happy. It's peaceful and comforting, in a knee-pain and blister kind of way. I didn't actually get blisters this time, I'm sure, but one day I'm sure my feet will hate me. They'll get over it. They always do. I love running in the hills for the very reason that what goes up must come down. Running downhill along the trails is incredibly liberating. Gravity mostly pulls you down, you just have to keep your feet moving. It's almost like gliding. A lot of people slow themselves down going downhill...I just let myself fly. It was the best 3 miles I've run in a long time.
After practice, I treated myself to a quick and healthy-ish breakfast and iced tea from Starbucks, and a trip to the farmer's market. This may become my new Saturday routine! Although, I'll definitely need to attack the farmer's market with a plan next time so as not to get completely overwhelmed by things that I'm "sure" I'll be "needing" this week...like whole raw milk...yeah...
The following information is really for my own personal records, but feel free to read on. I warn you, though, it's not particularly interesting.
Nutrition for endurance training has always been really difficult for me, so I'm keeping track for myself to see what works and what doesn't.
pre-run nutrition:
the night before: chicken mcnuggets (bad call)
the morning of: 6oz green juice watered-down with 2oz water; 6ish oz cold water
post-run nutrition:
immediately after: 24oz water
maybe 30 minutes after: starbucks spinach and feta egg white wrap; iced green tea
lunchtime: whole wheat tortilla with shredded light three cheese blend, taco bell sauce, fresh tomato slices; water
after lunchtime: smoothie with frozen banana, frozen peaches, peanut butter, almond milk, yogurt, 5 dark kisses; more water
after after lunchtime (seriously, I've been starving all day): half of a cappuccino, half of a North End sandwich, and half of a North End egg roll; more water
dinner: tasting menu at animal!
I've had a headache and been starving all day. Clearly my food/water consumption will need some work as I go along, especially considering this was only a measly three mile run.
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