Sunday, May 30, 2010

i heart...

...rain far-away family mini family (the boy and the dog) far-away friends
...brazilian cheese bread
...the mountains pillow
...learning french
...baking chocolate chip cookies
...tasting menus
...running downhill
...saturday morning spin class
...cupcakes showers
...flip flops
...hazelnut gelato, nutella ice cream, red velvet ice cream
...snow season true luv skis
...fat tire
...santa barbara dog beach
...stray tennis balls on the side of the road balls in my living room
...long weekends
...purple sometimes and usually pink
...when YOU leave me a comment about what YOU heart...

1 comment:

  1. I heart:
    my dog
    my job
    your blog
    and wearing clogs

    oh and rhyming, I really heart rhyming. I hear rhyming more than I heart wearing clogs, because I actually don't like weraing clogs at all. :)
